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40 day Sadhana: Awakening Fearlessness

Our society collectively vibrates at an energetic level of fear. Its in our nature and apart of our genetic makeup. As yogis, we are committed to shifting our consciousness from a space of fear to one of Love. Join me for a powerful 40 day practice with the intention of transcending all limitations, transmuting karmic patterns and stagnant energy, and awakening to the Truth of who you really are. You’ll not only heal yourself, you have the power to heal your ancestral lineage, breaking karmic bondage for generations to come. As the stories and ideologies of who and what we are begin to drop away, these practices allow us to individuate, to live and thrive in society, but not be of society. As we consistently show up for ourselves, facing all that arises, we begin to awaken to our true nature, cultivating fearlessness. And, as we consistently vibrate at the higher frequency of Love, this energy ripples out into the world around us.

In this Sadhana, we will invoke the energy of Shiva, the Adi yogi. Considered the first teacher of yoga, Shiva represents nothingness, stillness, silence, and living beyond all ignorance and obstacles. He helps us cultivate a spirit of supreme detachment, known in Sanskrit as Vairagyam. Practiced for 40 days, this set will give you access to your authentic power. Your self-confidence and self-respect will increase, as will your courage and fearlessness. Much will be revealed to you within the deep silence cultivated with Shiva.

Practicing with Shiva* brings you into an experience of Supreme Silence and Stillness. We begin to tap in to our innate fearlessness, leading us to discover our own indestructible nature.

***Tuning in to Shiva is simply tuning in to this energy within yourself - your own Shiva-like nature. This practice has everything to do with connecting to your own Divine nature and nothing to do with dogmatic principles, religion, or worshiping gods outside of yourself. Please reach out if you have any questions about this.

What is Sadhana?

Sadhana is a consistent spiritual practice in which you devote your attention towards a specific point of interest. It’s purpose is to connect you to your highest You, allowing you to live authentically and fully as you connect with and embrace your Truth. As you deepen your daily practice of Sadhana, you will experience many waves of awareness - sometimes the sea is stormy and choppy and sometimes it is clear and calm as glass. Your Sadhana serves as a life raft as you weather the storms, allowing the vrittis to surface and release.

What’s included:

  • Detailed written instructions on the practice

  • LIVE initiation into the practice on Day 1 via Zoom video conference call

  • Video recording of guided practice to use as reference in the beginning

  • SIX Check-in’s via Zoom meeting to see how everyone is doing, share experiences, and refine technique

Why 40 days?

We have many rituals in life, most of them are unconscious in nature. To create new patterns, new habits, requires conscious commitment. Making a commitment to the practices in this Sadhana set with complete devotion to your evolution for 40 days straight does a couple of things:

1. You prove to yourself that you are worth the commitment - that when you make a commitment to take care of yourself, that you will follow through. Cultivating self-worth and self-reliance is big here.

2. It allows you to begin to create a new, conscious ritual - a new groove outside of the old paradigm. Some karmic patterns have deep roots through many lifetimes, so its natural that it would take some time to shift the energy.

With dedication, each soul can awaken to their true nature. When practiced consistently with intention, this Sadhana is guaranteed to impact every facet of your life. 


  • Saturday 9/28 @ 9am CDT - Day 1 begins with a live practice (recording will be made available for those that can not attend live)

  • Wednesday 10/2 @ Time TBD - Day 5 Video call check-in, Practice refinement Q&A

  • Monday 10/7 @ 9am CDT - Day 10 Video call check-in and group practice

  • Saturday 10/12 @ 9am CDT - Day 15 Video call check-in and group practice

  • Saturday 10/19 @ 9am CDT - Day 22 Video call check-in and group practice

  • Saturday 10/26 @ 9am CDT - Day 29 Video call check-in and group practice

  • Wednesday 11/6 @ Time TBD - Day 40 Final Practice and Integration

Investment: $22  

Earlier Event: September 27
Meditation Series: Birmingham Yoga