Celebration & Rejuvenation: a sacred India pilgrimage
Life is meant to be celebrated. Join me this fall as we gather with our global community for this transformative experience.

Anchored in Love: a 21 day Live Sadhana
Anchored in the wisdom of the Heart, you rise Victorious.

21 days of Balance sadhana series: Virtual offering
Discover Balance within, so that you may find Balance without.

INDIA: a sacred pilgrimage home
We invite you on a sacred yoga retreat to Peru, where we will visit ancient lands of a distant people, connecting to the root of our existence.

Summer Solstice: Embody the Radiance of Surya
Join Pennie on the Longest day of the Year + night of the Full Moon to amplify your radiance!

Intro to Kriya Yoga: 21 days of Evolutionary Action
The practice of Kriya supports the release of not only all toxic bio-memory that is being stored in the body, but also habitual ways of being that are limiting one’s evolution.

The Power of Prana: 21 Days of Pranayama
“In prana is the the whole world. All that is moveable + immovable, immerses and dissolves into prana. Prana remains.” Chandogya Upanishad

21 Days of Mantra Meditation
Beyond the mind is the intuition.
Beyond the intuition is the great soul.
Beyond the great is the unmanifest.
Beyond the unmanifest is Spirit.
Beyond the Spirit there is the Great Void from which All originates.
- Katha Upanishad

Cacao and the Cosmos - September Call
This is the first of two monthly meetings offered in our Cacao and the Cosmos subscription.
We will begin these sessions with an invocation and intention setting followed by relevant cosmic wisdom. I will speak to current astrological weather, supporting a deeper understanding of how their movements and relationships support our own evolution. We will use cacao as a medicine to increase the receptivity of our hearts to this cosmic wisdom. You do not need to have a background understanding of astrology to benefit from this container. We will meet a second time for a sacred practice that supports us in deeper alignment with this wisdom - the wisdom that arises from experience.
Not yet subscribed? Learn more and subscribe by clicking the button below.
21 Days of Meditation: Embody your Radiance
Beyond the mind is the intuition.
Beyond the intuition is the great soul.
Beyond the great is the unmanifest.
Beyond the unmanifest is Spirit.
Beyond the Spirit there is nothing at all.
That is the end; that is the final goal.
- Katha Upanishad

Cacao Journey
Join Pennie on Earth Day for a special a healing journey into the wisdom of the heart. We will use the medicine of cacao, along with the power of our breath and intentions to draw us deeper into the heart of Mother Earth.
Cosmic Healing: A Journey through the Chakras
The Knowingness of a Yogi moves in both directions
The Bhagavad Gita

21 Days of Mantra Meditation
Beyond the mind is the intuition.
Beyond the intuition is the great soul.
Beyond the great is the unmanifest.
Beyond the unmanifest is Spirit.
Beyond the Spirit there is nothing at all.
That is the end; that is the final goal.
- Katha Upanishad

Winter Solstice Cacao Healing Ceremony
I am honored to be offering this sacred ceremony on the darkest night of the year, Winter Solstice.
We will be working with the plant medicine of cacao as well as the sound medicine associated with Green Tara. Mama Cacao and Green Tara will work symbiotically to soften our heart, increasing our capacity to sit with our suffering, and the discomfort that arises from witnessing the suffering of others. It is only when we embrace our own journey that we experience liberation.
Our sacred ritual will begin with a cacao ceremony and include an expansive breath work practice followed by guided Yoga Nidra, and sound + energy medicine.
This is a small group event and we are already at half capacity. If you are feeling called to spend Winter Solstice immersed in this healing space, I encourage you to register now.
Investment: $60
Location: In Person (Unity of Birmingham)