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light on being podcast
Dedicated to growth and transformation through conscious talks and conversations.
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Autobiography of a yogi
Autobiography of a Yogi is at once a beautifully written account of an exceptional life and a profound introduction to the ancient science of Yoga and its time-honored tradition of meditation. Profoundly inspiring, it is at the same time vastly entertaining, warmly humorous and filled with extraordinary personages.
the biology of belief
This profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics puts the power to create a healthy, joyous life back in our own hands. When we transform our conscious and subconscious thoughts, we transform our lives, and in the process help humanity evolve to a new level of understanding and peace.
this is that
This Is That is a radical interpretation of the clues found in Padas 1 and 2 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. A guide to the practice, the state and the experience of Yoga, it leads the practitioner toward uncovering their own true nature while continuing their self-realization.
the untethered soul
Spiritual teacher Michael A. Singer explores the question of human identity and shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and achieve happiness and self-realization.