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Sunrise Sadhana

We devote so much of our lives to unconscious actions. These conditioned, habitual behaviors repeat on a loop, making every day exactly the same as the day before. Joe Dispenza calls this the “ever repeating known”.

Many of us want to see positive change in our lives, but we just don’t know how to get there. 2020 brought this into sharp focus for so many, allowing us to see clearly what we value in our life. But as is often the case, we may begin with pure intentions to change and after a few days we lose our drive and fall back into the comfortable (uncomfortable) ever-repeating known.

Kriya practices support postive change, giving us access to abundant resources that strengthen our determination, and ultimately, our devotion to our highest Self.

When we begin our day intentionally, it ripples out into the experience of our entire day. And if how we spend our day is how we spend our life, then the impact of this devotional practice is truly immeasurable.

Join me for this 7 week series where we will establish a consistent spiritual practice.

Each week, I will guide you through a new practice set, aligned with a specific intention. We will focus on practices that energize our mind, body and spirit, clearing out sludge (known as ama in Ayurveda), bringing clarity and focus to our way forward. You will receive a recording of this practice to repeat every morning of that week.

By the end of the our time together, our spirits will be enlivened, our heads clear, and our hearts open, connected to all of creation.

It is my intention that this practice be available to anyone called to participate. The suggested price for this offering classes is $77.

Please reach out if you have any questions or need financial assistance. No one will be turned away. If life has been generous to you recently, you may donate towards tuition for another . This practice is available to all regardless of class, race, age, religion or creed.

We will begin after the next new moon on Monday, April 12th. Each class will be live on Zoom at 6am CDT. I have blocked this class from 6-7am, however our practices will be anywhere from 30-45 minutes, making it a manageable time commitment and accessible to all. Although we will only meet live once a week, we will be practicing “together” every morning.

Our experiences are a reflection of ourselves only - if we commit this time to ourself, arriving fully and remaining present in the practice, our experience will be transformative. No prior yoga experience is needed to participate. Come as you are, leave transformed.

Earlier Event: January 31
Sattva Meditation Rounding Workshop
Later Event: April 19
Sunrise Sadhana