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The Illumined Heart: a 54-day Sadhana

True clarity occurs when we align with the wisdom within our hearts.

Liberation happens when we become

the embodiment of this wisdom.

Using the power of Kriya, pranayama and mantra, this sadhana will connect you to the wisdom of your heart, allowing you to shine forth with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. 

Practiced consistently for 54 days, it offers you access to a new dimension of self-realization, seeing the Truth of who you are. This practice will enable you to embody the full radiance of your Being. Invoking the Light within, you will enter a new decade empowered and clear in your direction.

Here is the translated meaning of the mantra we will be invoking:

Calling the Sun Goddess

That my heart may be illuminated,

Cleanse me of all delusions so I can shine forth like thou are shining.

What is Sadhana?

Sadhana is a consistent spiritual practice in which you devote your attention towards a specific point of interest. It’s purpose is to connect you to your highest You, allowing you to live authentically and fully as you connect with and embrace your Truth. As you deepen your daily practice of Sadhana, you will experience many waves of self-realization - sometimes the sea is stormy and choppy and sometimes it is clear and calm like glass. Your Sadhana serves as a life raft as you weather the storms, allowing the vrittis to surface and release. 

What’s included:

  • LIVE initiation into the practice on Day 1 via Zoom video conference call

  • Video recording of guided practice to use as reference in the beginning 

  • Three Check-in’s to see how everyone is doing, share experiences, and refine technique

Why 54 days?

We have many rituals in life, most of them are unconscious in nature. To create new patterns, new habits, requires conscious commitment. Making a commitment to the practices in this Sadhana set with complete devotion to your evolution for 54 days straight does a couple of things:

1. You prove to yourself that you are worth the commitment - that when you make a commitment to take care of yourself, that you will follow through. Cultivating self-worth and self-reliance is big here.

2. It allows you to begin to create a new, conscious ritual - a new groove outside of the old paradigm. Some karmic patterns have deep roots through many lifetimes, so its natural that it would take some time to shift the energy.

With dedication, each soul can awaken to their true nature. When practiced consistently with intention, this Sadhana is guaranteed to impact every facet of your life. 


  • Sunday, January 5th @ 9am CDT - Day 1 begins with a live practice 

  • Sunday, January 19th @ 9am CDT - check-in and refinement of practice

  • Sunday, February 2nd @ 9am CDT - check-in

  • Sunday, February 23rd @ 9am CDT - check-in

Time commitment:

You will need to carve out 30 minutes of each day to devote to your sadhana practice. This particular sadhana is best done in the morning. If you have a daily meditation practice, this does not replace it and is best done after your meditation. The first 10 minutes of this Sadhana will consist of energizing and enlivening breath practices followed by 20 minutes of mantra repetition.

Investment: $22  

*** We are using this practice to tune into your own Divine nature, connecting you to the innate radiance of the Sun within you. This practice has everything to do with connecting to the essence of your Soul and nothing to do with dogmatic principles, religion, or worshiping gods outside of yourself. Please reach out if you have any questions about this.

Earlier Event: December 31
New Year’s Eve Celebration