Resurrecting our Radiance


We are facing a great challenge. This challenge presents a great opportunity to awaken - Awaken as individuals and as a collective. We are reminded what is truly important and have been given the opportunity to evaluate what is important to us, observing what we have come to prioritize and value with our time and money.


This is a time of rebirth. In order for the new to be born, the old must die.


What needs to be destroyed so that we begin to live through an awakened consciousness? What old paradigms and programming are we ready to release so that we might to begin living through our awakened heart? The heart of a warrior.


The warrior befriends death, for he knows that which is real can never die. We must throw into the fire what hinders our expansion, destroying all illusions of separateness, of ego and ignorance.


May we surrender our desire to control and return to the truth of who we are. What part of us must die so that we can resurrect our warrior-ship?


This is a time of initiation. Self-initiation. What rises from the ashes is Truth. Only Truth remains. This Truth is the very fabric of reality. 


May we rise from the ashes awakened to our Truth, living beyond all fear and ignorance.           

