Embraced by Love

Weary and consumed by longing,
I was caressed by my beloved last night.
My wounded soul was set free,
when I tasted the sweetness of love.

My spirit was lifted at once.
I surrendered my life,
while overflowing with joy,
and my vision was filled with light.

Love said, "Don't feel so hopeless,
my weary and gloomy one, 
for my generosity is beyond
forgetting those devoted to me."

See how boundless divine justice can be,
Behold my immeasurable kindness!

Love embraced my spirit,
and all of my doubts vanished at once.
A new and glorious robe of honor
was placed on my shoulders.

Love offered me the power of new vision
and the transforming touch of divine generosity
and placed the chalice of eternal wine in my hand.

~ Rumi