There’s a lot of energy swirling out there.... many trying to find someone to blame for our current circumstances. 

This lower mind tendency gets us caught up in a drama pattern that sucks us dry of our energetic resources and sends us in to a mental and emotional tailspin. The resources we do have get improperly allocated. In fact, by playing the victim in our life, we willingly give up our power. It’s so contagious. And, of course we are easier to herd if we are powerless. If you turn on the news, its all “us vs them”, finding a villain to blame - whether it’s China, 5G, Trump, etc. 

Think about it: if you allow yourself to go down the rabbit hole of blame, of identifying the villain, how do you feel afterward? Does it uplift you, rejuvenate you, cause your heart to expand with compassion? My experience is that it does the exact opposite.

Regardless of how this current situation came to be, it is perfectly timed. 

When we look to the stars, we see that this shift was always on its way. This opportunity to awaken, to rise up and shift the paradigms in which we support each other as a global community.

Speculating what happened, postulating what dark forces are out to get us can be dramatic and exciting, but overall is a waste of resources (time and energy). For ultimately, there is no one else but you.

This external world is just and outward reflection of our inner worlds. When we take time to pause and explore this inner world, we find divisiveness, hatred, self-sabotage, mistreatment, lack of self-awareness and self-love. Until we take time to heal these ostracized parts of ourselves, situations like the one we are currently experiencing will continue to present themselves. 

The Universe will continue to present opportunities for us to awaken. And, awaken we shall. This is the nature of nature. It the cycle of Time. We are in the beginning stages of a new season of this cycle, the time of great awakening.

To build immUNITY from viruses, dis-ease, fear, scarcity, hatred, and other lower vibrations, we must unify all parts of ourselves. The good, the bad, and the ugly. They are all beautiful you see. They are all part of the Light. 

The yogic teachings and practices do just that. They enable us to integrate all of ourselves. Seeing that all experience is a gift. All pain is a gift from Love. All sorrow, all heartache, all despair, they all point back to the unified field of Love.

Reach out if you’re tired of giving away your power and ready to awaken. Let’s walk the path together. 
