
Yesterday was a Solstice - a moment in time where the pendulum reaches all the way to one side and stops before it starts to swing back in the opposite direction.

For the Northern hemisphere of this little blue dot, it meant that we experienced more Light yesterday than on any other day of the year. It supported us to really awaken and embody our inner radiance, to shine this LIght out like the Sun shines.

And yet, in this world, in this reality of duality, the opposite is also true. For our Southern Hemisphere friends, it was the longest night of the year. The extended darkness supported them to turn within, to cultivate a deep state of inner stillness, to foster the eternal flame of consciousness within. 

It’s all about perspective - from where you are looking.

When we align our consciousness with the Truth of this existence, we See that all is well. That balance remains. That nothing is wrong. Nothing is missing. We have all we need. We walk the middle path, not clinging or pushing away, but understanding the nature of reality is change and balance.

I remember when I was little and we went on my first plane trip. It was terribly stormy that day, very dark clouds, big, fat rain drops. We took off and for awhile we were in the thick of it, clouds blocking our view of anything, rain sweeping the windows. And then, the most majestic thing happened - we broke through the clouds and found the most brilliant Sun! I was enamored with the blanket of clouds that lay below us. What had appeared very dark and ominous from below now looked light and soft. I wanted to run across them. 

The Sun is always shining. The Light never leaves. It is always here, for those who are tuned to See. When we establish ourselves in Truth, we are given the perspective to realize, to understand this wisdom.