Planetary Retrogression

Planetary retrogression is often spoken of as a bad thing, as a time to dread.

I’d like to flip the script on this and look at the incredible opportunity it provides us.

First, we must understand what it means when a planet is in retrograde. 

Retrogression of a planet is strictly an illusion. From our view point here on earth, the planet appears to completely stop in it’s tracks and then begins to move backwards. This illusion is caused by the location of and distance between the planet and earth, and earth’s natural rotation on its axis.

The definition of an illusion is something that we don’t see clearly, something that is misunderstood or wrongly perceived - illusions can create confusion.

In a mundane consciousness state, the time a planet is retrograding can be one of increased confusion, misunderstanding and lacking clarity or direction. The way this confusion manifests is related to the nature of the planet in retrograde and our relationship with it.

As we awaken to higher states of consciousness, we realize the beauty of all transits. We see everything in life as an opportunity for growth, for deeper realization.

I would like to invite us to begin to see planetary retrogression as an opportunity for deeper healing and understanding. Using this time to increase our awareness into the nature of the planet and our relationship with it (in what house is it residing during the period of retrograde) can offer great clarity and allow us to align with the retrograding planet’s highest expression.

This also includes planets that are retrograding in our natal charts.

Take a look at your natal #vedicastrology chart and see what planets were in retrograde when you were born. Reach out to schedule a 1-to-1 Jyotish reading to receive personal guidance.
