Experience L I F E

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I recently led a class centered around the knowing that the reality of our experience is an expression of our current state of consciousness. That the way we perceive our life, our reality, can only be a pure expression of our consciousness state at any given moment. This means that we are not the effect of our life, that nothing ever happens ‘to’ us, but that we are the cause. We are the creator. How empowering is that?! 

“Your experience is a direct reflection of your consciousness. The reality of this moment can only be the way your consciousness is. Shift your consciousness and your reality will shift with it.”

Anand Mehrotra

Now, does this mean that life isn’t intense at times? HA! Absolutely not. In my experience, life can seem super intense and challenging. But, as the yogic teachings say, challenges are only as we perceive them to be. These moments are presented to us as an opportunity to grow, to expand past our limited positionalities, past our conditioning, an opportunity to shift our consciousness and E V O L V E. 

Every time I’m back home, I am presented with these opportunities. A lot of our karma is wrapped up in our familial connections and relationships. For the last several years, I have traveled a lot. I designed my life to create more space and freedom so that I could spend more time doing what I love – learning and serving. Lately, I’ve been feeling the call to spend more time in Alabama, more time at home. I’ve felt guided to share more of myself here, expanding the teachings I am offering, not just in yoga spaces but in my day-to-day interactions as well. 

Over the last year and a half, I’ve experienced a lot of ancestral patterns emerging and I have had a deep understanding that my generation is meant to break these karmic ties and free the lineage. And so I stay. As I stay in this space, close to my family, I allow space for these patterns to arise - and as I observe them, I consciously make the choice to shift my consciousness. And what is beautiful is that as I have vulnerably stood in this Truth, I have given my family permissions to do the same. When we live at a higher frequency, we impact every one around us. We show others that there is a different way of Being – of responding instead of reacting. And my experience has been that they, too, begin to feel the pull to evolve, to shift their state of being, to live at a higher frequency, to acknowledging their own Truth. I’ve been blessed to have open conversations about these shifts and they too are feeling the support of our ancestors. It’s encouraging to know you are not alone.

One of the most illuminating tools I’ve discovered is Jyotish. This type of astrology, known as Vedic astrology and as the science of Light, holds supreme wisdom of the energetic patterns and frequencies within your being. The moment you came into this world, into this body, was divinely timed. All of the planets and stars in our Solar System (and beyond!) were specifically positioned to help support your Soul’s path in this incarnation. The energy of these planets are also the energy of our ancestors, our heritage. For me, it has been so powerful to look at my energetic blueprint in the form of my natal chart and see what energy was being activated at different times in my life and how it matched with my experience. 

As I walk this path of enlightenment, my awareness of the experience deepens. I see challenges in a new way. Yes, I still stumble. Yes, I fall on my face sometimes. But now I have these incredible practices to support me, to help me get back up. I seem to be able to get back on my feet a little quicker these days. I see my communications and connections with family and those who cross my path in a new way. 

Life doesn’t have to be hard. We don’t have to suffer. Life, in all its expressions, is a beautiful gift. 

A dance with the Divine, in every moment, in every interaction. 

If you are interested in developing a deeper understanding of your energetic blueprint and why you may be feeling and experiencing what you are at this time, please reach out.

Let’s explore your own unique expression of energy and how this can best serve the liberation of your soul.